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  Hoy es 17 de Mayo de 2024.

Meet Dave
(Atrapado en un Pirado)

Debney, John

Editado por
Colosseum VSD (CVS) 6906.2

Año de Producción

Año de Edición


(42.56 minutos)

1. Orb Arrives on Earth (01:33)
2. Dave Comes to Earth (01:41)
3. Gina Runs into Dave (01:22)
4. Dave´s System Check (02:22)
5. Addressing the Crew (01:01)
6. Drunken Man in Alley (01:41)
7. Whipping Eggs (01:13)
8. A Kiss in the Park (00:56)
9. Welcome to Old Navy (01:55)
10. Deli Robbers (01:53)
11. Gina´s Painting (01:24)
12. Urban Camping with Dave (01:32)
13. Dave to the Rescue (01:19)
14. Standoff (01:01)
15. I´m in Charge Now (01:19)
16. Evil Dave Blasts Police Station (01:22)
17. Reinforcements Arrive (00:49)
18. Never Argue with a Female (01:11)
19. Betrayal / Mini Dave No. 3 (02:56)
20. Saved by the Bugs / Dave´s True Feelings (01:33)
21. Hailing a Cab (00:44)
22. The Battle Begins (02:10)
23. I Am Dave Ming Chang (02:05)
24. Saving Earth (01:22)
25. Power Shutdown (01:24)
26. Mini Dave Apologizes (02:56)
27. Blast off and Return (02:12)
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