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SUN: Soul of the Ultimate Nation

Shore, Howard

Editado por
Sony BMG Korea SB70053C

Año de Producción


(64.34 minutos)

1. Sanctuary of Ether (02:35)
2. A Prelude to Revolt (06:47)
3. Tides of Hope (03:19)
4. Helron´s Castle (02:10)
5. The Triumph (02:08)
6. The Valley of Dragons (02:18)
7. Forest of the Beasts (04:03)
8. Empire Geist (03:23)
9. The Epitaph (03:05)
10. Night of the Crescent Moon (03:35)
11. Hymns of Battlefield (02:14)
12. Immortal Emperor (02:44)
13. March to Victory (02:10)
14. A Poem for Nemesis (02:20)
15. Soul of the Ultimate Nation (03:13)
16. Requiem for the Dead (04:35)
17. Ethereal Life (02:53)
18. A Pernicious Plot (02:12)
19. Graveyard of Aiort (02:45)
20. Menace of the Army Wings (07:54)
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