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Thor: The Dark World
(Thor: El Mundo Oscuro)

Tyler, Brian

Editado por
Hollywood/Intrada D001911702

Año de Producción

Año de Edición


(77.48 minutos)

1. Thor: The Dark World (02:10)
2. Lokasenna (02:31)
3. Asgard (01:56)
4. Battle of Vanaheim (01:40)
5. Origins (03:49)
6. The Trial of Loki (02:38)
7. Into Eternity (03:41)
8. Escaping the Realm (03:53)
9. A Universe from Nothing (02:21)
10. Untouchable (04:09)
11. Thor, Son of Odin (01:52)
12. Shadows of Loki (02:25)
13. Sword and Council (03:47)
14. Invasion of Asgard (03:00)
15. Betrayal (04:03)
16. Journey to Asgard (02:18)
17. Uprising (02:36)
18. Vortex (02:20)
19. An Unlikely Alliance (03:47)
20. Convergence (03:42)
21. Beginning of the End (05:21)
22. Deliverance (02:22)
23. Battle Between Worlds (03:30)
24. As the Hammer Falls (02:41)
25. Legacy (04:08)
26. Marvel Studios Fanfare (00:30)
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